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Masseurs / Halbe


Location: Voorhout and surroundings

My name is Halbe Jan van Pijkeren and I have been a qualified sports, relaxation and chair masseur since 2012. In 2015 I followed the Quantum Reset I and II workshop and I am a certified Quantum Reset therapist. In 2017 I successfully completed the Deep Tissuse Massage course.

In 1999 I had a motorcycle accident in Thailand and after that my shoulder hurt. The complaints persisted and a bursa and tendinitis developed in my shoulder. After many detours I finally ended up with a sports masseur who helped me with my complaints. Because I know from my own experience how annoying physical complaints can be, I became a masseur. I like to help people and with what I have learned during my education and with my years of practical experience I will work with you in my practice.

At the beginning of 2013, I started my own practice. Since 2022 my job at a large health insurance company ended and I started to focus full-time on my massage practice.

Working at the team of Masseur aan de Deur means a new challenge for me. I think it would be very nice to massage people in their familiar surroundings. People already feel comfortable at their own home. After the massage, they no longer have to go outside and can enjoy the afterglow in their own way.

  • Deep tissue massage
  • Klassieke massage
  • Ontspanningsmassage
  • Sportmassage
  • Stoelmassage
  • Triggerpoint massage